Html email templates download
Html email templates download

html email templates download


Your free email templates will render perfectly across 40+ email clients and will render across 15+ devices and all browsers.


Therefore using a modern code editor will embrace the new way of doing things, which could possibly cause your designs to break within various email clients.Our team of 150+ experts will convert your email design into pixel-perfect HTML email templates and integrate the template into your preferred email service provider to make it ready-to-send.

html email templates download

Taking this into context, the way I would code an email today is similar to the way I would code a web page 5 years ago. Email, on the other hand has not be standardized to this point. In the last few years there has been a strong push to standardize the way code is written for the web. One thing I will worn you regarding a majority of new code editing programs: Although regarding editors with a WYSIWYG built in, this article immediately comes to mind: Make sure to use the "URL" location and not the "Embed" code when copying the code within YouTube’s Doug Bauknightĭepending on your knowledge of web design and HTML code you can really use any plain text editor.

html email templates download

If you plan on using YouTube as a place to host your video, I’d recommend changing the call to action in this template to say something along the lines of "Click here to watch" and then change the link location to go to the URL of the YouTube video. Sorry for the delayed response… just got back from the "Future of Web Design" conference in NYC.

html email templates download

Although I don’t recommend it, if you still feel strongly about attaching a file you can follow this knowledge base beat me to the punch! An email template focusing on video/podcast content is something we’ve been kicking around the office for a few weeks now. I’ve actually added a section to this post to aid people on what to do regarding attachments. A newsletter edition might be just around the corner Eleanore So far I’ve created a "Welcome" template and now this "Download" template both sharing the same theme to carry over design consistency within your subscribers mailbox. Your feedback is much appreciated and I’ll definitely keep it in mind when creating future HTML email templates!Īlthough this particular template is not directly applicable to a newsletter design, you might want to check out some others in your account.Īll of which sort of lend themselves to a newsletter design, having multiple "sections" per column. Share your thoughts on the “Download” template, and ideas for future ones, below! I’d love to hear some feedback on the templates I’ve created and what kinds of HTML email templates you’d like me to pursue in the future. Have a Theme Idea for a Future HTML Email Template? Log into your account to try out 18 different variations of this template when you create a new message: Attaching a larger file directly to your email may cause some deliverability issues with corporate email filters and other stricter systems.


It allows you to track how many people download your file.Here are a two reasons why this is beneficial: Then simply replace the link in this template with the direct url to your file. Instead, have your web designer upload the file on your web space and provide you with a direct url. I’d really like to stress the point that its rarely a good idea to attach a file directly to an email that is being sent out to a large list of people. How Can I Attach A File To This Template? Each one is available in 6 different color schemes – the same ones from the “Welcome” template.

Html email templates download